Balanitis - Balanoposthitis
Information About  Balanitis
Balanitis is called the inflammation of the pelvis, the tip of the penis. Often, at the same time as balanitis, there is inflammation on the foreskin, the skin that covers the glans, so the inflammation is called balanoposthitis. These two situations are considered responsible for the creation of phimosis.

When Does Balanitis or Balanoposthitis Occur and to Who?
Balanitis or Balanoposthitis is a fairly common problem in the genitals, especially in men who have not circumcised and whose foreskin has narrowed, so that it can not be pulled easily to be cleaned. It may occur at any age, but most often it affects boys under 4 years of age. It is estimated that one in twenty-five boys and around one in thirty men, especially after the onset of sexual intercourse, will experience balanitis or balanoposthitis once in their lives. The incidence of this inflammation is particularly favored during the summer months and is more common in patients with autoimmune diseases, diabetes mellitus, those taking immunosuppressive medications or having some penile disorder, such as phimosis.
What Causes Balanitis or Balanoposthitis?
There are many causes that can cause balanitis or balanoposthitis, but the most common ones are:
  • Insufficient or erroneous cleaning of the area, particularly in young children, resulting in irritation and then inflammation.
  • Various functional or anatomical abnormalities of the male organ, such as phacoemia, which prevents the discovery of the pelvis and sebum removal.
  • Non-sexually transmitted infection, with more common infection with Candida Albicans, but also other bacteria such as trichomonas, ureoplasma and ganderela vaginalis. And in this case, the infection is favored if the patient suffers from diabetes, pre-existing inflammation of the pelvis by allergy or penile chest infection.
  • Sexually transmitted infection, mainly due to chlamydia, gonorrhea, warts or herpes. Usually there is urethritis and symptoms such as urinary pain and urethral secretion.
  • Allergies and irritants. The glans skin is extremely sensitive and can react to certain chemical soaps or disinfectants. Sometimes the lack of cleanliness is blamed, but the excessive washing of the area may cause skin irritation.
  • Skin diseases such as psoriasis, psoriasis lichen, and lichen lichen or syphilis may have secondary symptoms of balanitis.
What Are The Symptoms of Balanitis or Balanoposthitis?
The time required to develop the symptoms after exposure to the bacterium or the virus causing the vaginitis varies depending on the type of virus, bacterium or fungus, as well as the symptoms. However, the first signs of balanitis are in most cases redness, itching, swelling, as well as sensitivity of the penis head and the foreskin around it. Other symptoms, particularly in more severe cases, may be fluid discharge from the urethra and swollen lymph nodes. In any case, upon realizing that something is wrong, the man should visit the doctor immediately for the necessary tests to exclude the possibility of other, more serious illnesses, but having similar symptoms with balanitis and balanoptisitis.

When Should Someone Have To Visit The Doctor For Diagnosis of Balanitis or Balanoposthitis?
Men of all ages should visit their doctor immediately when they notice symptoms such as redness, itching, swelling in their penis. The important thing is to have a clinical examination by a doctor to rule out the possibility of other, more dangerous, diseases that tend to mimic the symptoms of balanitis such as gonorrhea and herpes.

Then, and after the possibility of such diseases is ruled out, the doctor may ask for blood tests to exclude other conditions, such as diabetes mellitus and certain autoimmune diseases. With the same reasoning, the physician can collect secretion from the region of the bull and send it for cultivation to find the germ that causes the inflammation.

How Is Balanitis or Balanoposthitis Treated?
The treatment of balanitis or balanoposthitis is completely personalised and also depends on the cause of the inflammation. Generally speaking, treatments for treating balanitis include avoiding soap and the recommendation for tears with lukewarm water or chamomile. The doctor may recommend the use of an anti-fungal cream, an antibiotic, cortisone, or a combination of these, depending on the cause of balanitis or balanoposthitis. In very rare cases, systemic oral treatment is given. If there are conditions such as unregulated diabetes mellitus or phlegm, these should be treated.

How to Prevent Balanitis or Balanoposthitis?
In any case, and regardless of the major cause of balanitis in every man, doctors give the following instructions that can help prevent certain cases of balanoposthitis.
  • Always use a condom during sexual intercourse.
  • Carefully wash the glans every day, gently pulling the foreskin back. Then, the area should be carefully dried so that no moisture is left and fungus develops.
  • If you have a condom pain related to condom use, try using a specially made for sensitive skins.
  • Wash your hands before urinating, especially if they have come into contact with chemicals.
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