Facial Therapies
Fractional Laser
Fractional Laser
Fractional Laser at Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab is the most popular method of skin reconstruction worldwide. Fractional Laser, as a technological miracle, has replaced the classic CO2 Laser that required greater recovery time, without lacking anything when it comes to improving the skin. 
The whole concept of Fractional Laser is based on the fact that we do not intervene in the entire skin and we do not wait for the deeper layers to heal. On the contrary, we intervene to much smaller places, deep in the skin, in a way that creates “microthermal therapeutic zones”. Since healing takes place from the side and not from deep within, and since these therapeutic zones are small in surface, the body covers them quite quickly, reducing the recovery time significantly. Therefore we may repeat the sessions frequently and get a great ouctome, without the patient being forced to abstain from daily routine for a time duration exceeding 20 days, which was required when using older techniques. With each session, results improve and upon treatment completion the skin is rejuvenated, smoothened, tight and shiny, without marks and flaws.
In Which Cases Is Fractional Laser Recommended? 
Face regeneration
Get a shinier, smoother and fuller face, the face that you have always dreamed of, eliminating in the most effective way any imperfections that mark the effect of time or poor habits. 
Wrinkle treatment
Through Fractional Laser time might pass without leaving its marks on your face or body. Fractional Laser stimulates elastin and collagen on the face, thus erasing thin lines and wrinkles, mostly around the eyes, lips, forehead and neck.  
Face tightening
Fractional Laser may be applied either on its own or combined with other treatments to assist in collagen production and eventually face tightening. 

Fractional Laser against Photoaging
Wrinkles are not only proof of our age but also of how much we have damaged our skin, especially by exposing it to sun radiation. Although sun helps in the production and growth of certain hormones and vitamins, extensive unprotected sun exposure may cause not only premature aging of the skin, but also many skin conditions.
The photocatastrophic effects of sunlight on our skin depend on the intensity, duration and frequency of sun exposure, with the results of this exposure appearing from 10 to 40 years later. The harmful UVA and UVB sun rays penetrate our skin all the time and can cause:
  • Skin cracking, by destroying the stratum keratin hydrolysis film
  • Wrinkles, as collagen and elastin are lost, due to dehydration
  • Loosening, since the skin no longer has enough elasticity to cope with gravity
  • Lightly yellow skin, since blood vessels are destroyed
  • Solar comedones, or as they are known, black spots mixed with sebum and clog pores
  • Solar hyperkeratosis, or as they are known, sun marks due to the cell DNA destruction that may even cause cancer 
  • Elastosis, in which elastin fibers break and accumulate as balls in various spots, mainly the neck and chest areas. Unfortunately, very little can be done to reverse elastosis.
Dyschromia appearing as more intense colorations of the skin, since pigment cells are destroyed in areas where the skin is lighter.
We should note here the various types of skin, pointing out the fact that some of them might be resilient against solar radiation. However, they too may present the same skin damage after prolonged sun exposure without the proper protection. 

Type 1: Celtic type. Skin is very light, transparent and sensitive, with many freckles, while the hair is light blonde or red. There are always skin burns and no sun tan. 
Type 2: German sensitive. Skin is light with a tendency for freckles, while hair is blonde. There is always redness prior to tanning, while the skin gets burnt easily and the tan fades away quickly. 
Type 3: Regular. Skin is fair without freckles, while hair is light brown. This type of skin always gets tanned, but redness is quite frequent prior to the tan. 
Type 4: Mediterranean. Skin is light brown and hair is dark brown or black. This skin type gets tanned easily and the tan lasts long, while sun burns and redness are very rare. 
Type 5: Arabic – Latin American. Skin is quite dark and instantly gets a deep tan. This type is very resilient and rarely gets sun burns. 
Type 6: Negroid. Black skin never gets redness and is very resilient. 

Fractional Laser for Body 
At Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab, Fractional Laser is a tool for plastic surgery without a scalpel and forms the answer against cellulitis, loosened skin and stretch marks appearing on the body regardless of age or sex.  Fractional Laser is ideal for small body surfaces, such as the thighs and arms, where the creation and healing mechanisms of new collagen are put into effect. More specifically, Laser rays are divided into dozens of fine beams that selectively scan all the surface of the skin. They work in the deeper epidermal layers and "awaken" the fibroblasts, cells that produce collagen and elastin, making the skin glowy, youthful and firmer and reducing cellulitis, skin loosening and stretch marks. 

Fractional Laser against Blemishes & Melasma
Solar blemishes may appear on the body or the face of both women and men, significantly affecting their looks. Increased melanin production leads to their creation, which is the result of constant sun exposure. It is true that solar or aging skin blemishes are less related to age than with sunlight exposure. Besides sunlight, however, there are other causes of such discolorations, with more likely ones the hormonal imbalances and smoking. Blemishes are more epidermal and appear first on the thinner and more exposed to the sun aread, such as the eyes, face and arms, unlike melasma that is formed in deeper layers of the skin. 
Melasma is the local and irregular skin hyperpigmentation, usually on the face. The color varies from brown to light grey, depending on skin colour, the quantity of melanin andits distribution on the skin. Melasma damage are characterised by increased production and transfer of melanosomes in keratinocytes and increase of melanocytes. Melasma is more frequent among women than men, while it is more usual among people ofdarker skin. Besides sunlight, other factors that might cause melasma are numerous cosmetics and perfumes, hormonal imbalances mostly during pregnancy, as well as several antibiotics or anti acne medicines.

Fractional Laser against Acne Scars
Acne scars, as well as acne itself, concern most people and may even affect their mood and state of mind. Scars appear after the reduction of acne inflammation and may even be created when inflammation is minimal. Acne signs appear mostly on the face, but on the body as well, especially when the individual suffers from types of acne that have the tendency to leave marks or when having particularly sensitive skin. 

There are two main groups of acne scars. The atrophic acne scars are characterized by tissue loss, while the hypertrophic or keloid ones are characterized by excessive tissue. In both cases, acne inflammation starts and the scar is created either because there is not enough collagen production resulting in loss of skin tissue or because collagen production is overproduced, but distributed disorderly on the skin, resulting in burdens. Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab specialists with the valuable help of Fractional Laser can help reduce scarring, even from the first session, till they are completely eliminated in the future, in combination with other treatments if needed.  

Fractional Laser against Scars
Scars are visible signs that persist after healing a wound created after trauma, burn or disease. After the wound closes completely, a gel begins and the wound begins forming and collagen is produced by the fibroblasts. So the new tissue starts forming and has different colour and texture from normal skin. The redness created in a scar is not the final scar, and in order for the redness to go away, days, months, and years may be required. What is attributed to scarring is the amount of collagen, and thus the different types of scars are defined. There are different types of scars, but the most common ones are:
  • Shrinkage that frequently appears after some burn and prevent movement, because the skin draws the underlying tissue during healing process. 
  • Hypertrophic scars that grow directly on the wound as thick clumps of scar tissue. They are affected and often red and may widen over time, but also change color if hyperpigmentation (darker color) or hypopigmentation (lighter color) occurs.
  • Keloids that are much larger than hypertrophic scars and may appear folds, but also itching or pain. They extend beyond the wound boundaries and can appear in different parts of the body, but usually where there is little underlying fatty tissue, such as the neck and shoulders. A determinant factor for keloid formation, in addition to heredity, is age; it has been observed that children and the elderly have a lower tendency to form keloids.
Specialised doctors at Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab with the valuable assistance of Fractional Laser may assist in drastically reducing acne scars, even from the first session, until they eventually eliminate them in the future, in combination with other treatments if needed.
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