Dermatological Treatments
Hemangiomas are a collection of excess blood vessels in the skin. They are the cells that naturally form the blood vessels, but here they are proliferating at a strong rate. They are usually found in the head and neck (60%) but may appear in any part of the body such as the trunk (25%) and the limbs (15%). They may also appear in internal organs of the body, such as the liver. Hemangiomas first appear in infancy and, in most cases, the infant is born with them. They are benign vascular tumours or malformations and their treatment is imperative, not only medically but mainly socially, as they can psychologically injure a person and lead to marginalization. There are several types of hemangiomas, some of which are:
  • True hemangiomas: They are the most common benign vascular tumors of childhood with a marked pattern of development. In the majority of cases, they appear in the head and neck, while at a lower frequency in the trunk and extremities. According to the international literature, true hemangiomas are not clinically apparent at birth but occur in the first few weeks of life of the newborn. Initially they may be immature and in their attempt to mature they multiply (thus increasing their volume) and then, after they mature, they stabilize and can retreat completely or inexpensively over time.
  • Capillary malformations: are vascular lesions that show enlargement of superficial vessels in the papillary dermis. They are the most common type of congenital vascular malformations and, unlike true hemangiomas, capillary malformations are always present at birth and never resolve on their own without treatment. The increase in capillary dysplasia follows the normal development of the infant and as the child develops, it grows, covering a larger area of the skin, which remains proportional to the total surface area of the skin in the body or face. Initially, they appear as pink or red spots, while as the person goes into adulthood, they begin to darken and perhaps nodules develop on their surface. Capillary malformations are stable and do not subside over time. They appear equally often in men and women.
  • Cherry hemangioma: This is a very common skin vascular lesion that occurs mainly after 30. Scars appearing on the skin are reddish or slightly black in color due to the rupture of the blood vessels under the epidermis. Their origin remains unknown, but in many cases they are due to hereditary factors. They appear in every part of the body but mainly in the trunk and their diameter does not usually exceed half a centimeter. They are initially flat and over time can begin to protrude to the surface of the epidermis. Cherry hemangioma is not painful and not dangerous, but experts recommend removing it if it bleeds frequently, as there is a risk of recurrent injuries and infections.
  • Spider veins or asteroid hemangiomas: It is a very common phenomenon and these are small blood vessels that break and take the form of spider web, while they appear mainly on the face, hands and trunk mainly in women.
At Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab, specialised dermatologists and plastic surgeons apply the most modern methods of reducing and eliminating hemangiomas such as Fractional Laser, Sclerotherapy, Ng-YAD Laser.
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