Dermatological Treatments
Keloid Scar of Skin
Information on Scarring
Scars are visible signs that persist after healing a wound created after a trauma, a burn or a disease. After the wound closes completely, a gel is formed and the wound begins to produce collagen from the fibroblasts. This begins to create the new web that has different colour and texture from normal skin. The redness created on a scar is not the ultimate outcome, and it may take days, months, or years for scarring to take place. What is attributed to scarring is the amount of collagen, and thus different types of scars are defined.
Which Are the Basic Types of Scars? 
Scars are wrinkles that usually appear after burning and block movement, because the skin draws the underlying tissue during healing.
  • Hypertrophic scars grow directly on the wound as thick clumps of scar tissue. They are affected and often appear red and may widen over time, but also change colour if hypermune (darker colour) or submucosa (lighter colour) occurs.

Information on Keloids
Keloids are skin hyperplasias that grow with extracellular matrix and can occur at skin lesion sites. Keloids, in addition to aesthetic malformation and poor psychology that they can create in patients, often have some troublesome symptoms, such as pain or itching. They are more common in women than men, and their appearance begins as a pink-coloured scar within one month of injury, and in the coming months the scar takes the form of a hard, smooth and smooth plaque that often has an increased volume. This is the exact difference between keloids and hypertrophic scars. Keloids extend beyond the limits of the injury, whereas hypertrophic scars are limited there. The most common places of keloid appearance feature the upper back and chest, shoulders, jaw, shin, ear lobes, and mainly occur among young adults and teenagers, while they are rare among the elderly and very young children.

How Are Keloids Treated? 
Treatment of keloids is a long-term and demanding process, as these scars by nature require particular treatment, since they can reappear.
At Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab we suggest the following modern keloid treatment techniques:
  • Endoscopic Cryosurgery: It is a safe, fast and painless method performed using local anesthesia. A specific cryohelium enters the keloid, and supplies liquid nitrogen to the keloid freeze. The liquid nitrogen enters the heart of the keloid, while using older treatments keloid cooling is carried out superficially by cryo-preservation.
  • Cortisone Injections: It's a safe, fast and painless method that requires several repetitions until the results become visible. It is recommended for small-sized keloids that can be easily polished and improved in this way.
  • Fractional Laser: This is the most modern method of treating scarring. Fractional Laser remodels the deformed area of the keloid scar causing new collagen and elastin to develop. The results are visible and impressive after some sessions, and after each session the patient can return unhindered to his everyday life.
  • Chemical peeling: Chemical peeling in which trichloroacetic acid is used in particular creates a controlled "burn" to remove the outer layer of the skin and help to regenerate it.
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