Spider veins are small red, purple or blue veins, pathologically stretched, which are distinctly visible beneath the epidermis. They are often found on the legs and face. Their diameter varies from 0.1 mm to 1 mm and may appear as single or as large vein formations.
Spider veins are created due to increased pressure in small veins, near the epidermis, resulting in prolongation. Spider veins, like varicose veins, are much more common in women and their frequency increases with age. Factors contributing to the appearance of spider veins in genetically predisposed patients are: hormonal factors (pregnancy, adolescence, menopause, contraceptive pills, menopause hormone therapy), long hours standing or sitting down, lack of physical exercise, and obesity.
Sclerotherapy is a method that, since the 1960s, has been used to treat spider veins mainly in the lower limbs. It is a safe and successful method preferred by many women, who want to eliminate the annoying spider veins from their legs.
How Is Spider Veins Treatment through Sclerotherapy Performed? 
Sclerotherapy, as practiced by specialised doctors at Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab, involves injecting a sterile solution of a hardener into the vein with a very fine needle.

This curative solution is designed to stimulate the inside of the vein walls causing irreversible lesions to stick together (without creating a clot between them). Once the vein is closed, your body will eventually absorb it within a few months.
The most common substance used in sclerotherapy is polidocanol, which is considered the safest substance with fewer cases of severe allergic reactions.
The number of repetitions of the sessions, as well as their frequency, varies from patient to patient. After the treatment, it may be advisable for the patient to wear pressure pantyhose or leggings for some days.

Should I Proceed with Sclerotherapy for Spider Veins?
Sclerotherapy can be applied to all veins, from the smallest to the largest ones in diameter. So spider veins and varicose veins are treated so that the patient is relieved of swollen legs, burning and painfulness. Ideally, sclerotherapy can be combined with lasers for even better results.
Everybody can be subjected to sclerotherapy, provided that they do not suffer from an acute condition, have no allergy to the substances used and do not suffer from diabetes or asthma. Women are also excluded during pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as patients with inflammation in the treated area.

Does Sclerotherapy Have Any Side Effects?
The most common side effect of sclerotherapy is local redness and swelling in the injection area, which may be accompanied by itching and which resolve on its own within a few hours. Quite often, bruising might appear or even pigmentation during the treatment of the vein. Pigmentation usually subsides on its own in a period ranging from a few days to a few months. It is prudent to avoid sun exposure for some time after the treatment to relieve the pigmentation. It is very rare to persist for more time or never to recede completely.
Allergy to medication is rare and is usually of limited size. Serious allergy can occur in extremely rare cases. As in any medical practice, sclerotherapy can also appear complications but they are extremely rare. The experience and expertise of doctors at Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab minimises any risks.

Spider Veins Treatment Using Polidocanol
Sclerotherapy using polidocanol is a very effective and safe treatment in eliminating limb spider veins with the results being immediate, although in some cases we need to wait a little longer. The improvement in clinical image is 90-95%. For best results after sclerotherapy of spider veins, it is recommended to apply elastic socks for 2-7 days after treatment.

Laser Spider Veins Treatment
Laser application in treating spider veins is particularly effective provided it is applied to the right spots. Larger diameter mesh veins, which feed the spider veins with blood, lie beneath the skin. Initiating treatment from these veins is of strategic importance, because feeding the most superficial spider veins is interrupted. It should be stressed that direct treatment of the spider veins, without having to intervene in the reticular veins that feed them, is a strategic mistake and will lead to a bad result. Since reticular veins are under the skin, it is harder for the Laser to reach them, because its energy is absorbed into the skin. Since dermal laser is applied to the thinner and superficial spider veins and even more when combined with the application of sclerotherapy, it is particularly effective. Dermal Laser is the only technique that can be applied to treat facial scars. After dermal laser treatment, it is essential to use resilient compression socks for several days.
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