Laser Hair Removal
What Is Laser for Hair Removal
Laser hair removal suggested by Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab is the most modern and guaranteed effective response to anyone who wants a velvety skin, avoiding the unpleasant side effects of traditional hair removal methods, particularly when it comes to sensitive skins that may also be affected by hormonal agents. LASER depilation is the only permanent hair removal method that abolishes traditional techniques, suitable for women and men, in any area of the body, safely removing unwanted hair without destroying pores and skin structure. Treatment varies depending on the patient and area of application.
Which Are the Basic Types of Hair Removal Laser?
In general, there are three types of hair removal laser in Greece, which are differentiated according to the wavelength they use.
  • Binary Laser: This type of laser is not so widespread in Greece, despite its excellent results. Its longer wavelength, 805 nm, makes it deeper, avoiding skin melanin. This makes it ideal for brunette or tanned skins.
  • Laser Alexandrite: Alexandrite, covers 755nm wavelength, remaining more superficially in the skin, but attracted to dark hair, so it is ideal for dark hair on white skin, whereas dark or tanned skin are more prone to burns.
  • ND-YAG Laser: It is emitted at a wavelength of 1064 nm. Suitable for dark or darkened skin. It can also be completed in the summer, as the skin color gets stabilized for 2-3 weeks.
When Should I Proceed with Hair Removal Laser?
Laser hair removal is frequently performed for aesthetic purposes. There are, however, medical purposes requiring permanent and definitive removal of undesired hair growth. 
  • Hair follicle infection often created after shaving, waxing or shaving machines.
  • Broken capillaries often created by shaving or waxing.
  • Hypertrichosis due to hormonal disorders.
  • Papillomas or warts that the laser does not spread to other areas, as with traditional hair removal methods.
  • Pilonidal cyst which, after laser hair removal, is less likely to recur.
Details about Hair Removal Laser
The treatment is performed under the supervision of a Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab dermatologist to ensure that the appropriate laser settings are used for the selected epileptic area and dermatological testing for the lesions, diseases or aphrodisiacs is done at the same time. It is effective without pain, while to combat the mild discomfort that can be caused by heat and burning sensation, a cold air flow system operates simultaneously with the light beam. Usually, 4-6 sessions are required to stop hair growth. In hormone-dependent areas such as the face and abdomen, the hairs are inactivated but their non-re-emergence is not guaranteed in the future. In areas such as legs, hands and armpits the results are permanent.

Which Are the Advantages of Hair Removal Laser?
The benefits of hair removal laser can be laconically characterized as permanent and definitive results. It is the only scientifically acceptable method of hair removal that is free from the undesirable side effects of traditional hair removal methods such as wax, razors and shaving machines, which, in addition to their temporary effects, caused many problems such as hair follicle infection, papillomas, dermatitis and loose skin.

What Are The Side Effects Of Hair Removal Laser?
There are no significant contraindications for Laser Alexandrite, except of the very tanned skins. Relative contraindications are those with a history of photodermatitis or those taking photosensitizing drugs, even though sessions have been successfully performed and in such incidents. Another relative contraindication is pregnancy and breastfeeding. In such cases, although the laser does not pose risks for the fetus and the newborn, we ask for the gynecologist consent. 
For people who have tattoos, we avoid proceeding with laser at the point of tattooing in order not to change its color.
The only undesirable effect observed is a slight redness and the formation of small blister (a small bump over the hair follicle) which may be mildly itchy. These are completely reversible and last for a few hours only after treatment. They are easily treated by applying to the skin a moisturizing anti-inflammatory cream after application.

Application Areas of Hair Removal Laser
Laser application may be applied in all places of the face and body, where there is indesireable hair growth. More specifically:
  • In the face: cheeks, upper lip, brws, sieburns
  • In th heads: arms, forearms, armpits
  • In the legs: thighs, buttocks, legs
  • Back
  • Breast
  • In the bikini area
How Effective Is Hair Removal Laser?
Laser hair removal at Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab is the most effective, painless, fast but also cost-effective way to treat unwanted hair, without requiring analgesics or other preparations. 
Depending on your skin type, application area, type of hair, etc., the epilation laser combination that suits your needs is used. It is a really quick procedure, since for most patients it takes less than an hour.
It is fuller in the treatment coverage area and perfectly suited to any area of the body, even the most sensitive areas, such as the neck, bikini and face.
Finally, it guarantees permanent and permanently velvety skin free from hair growth for all skin types, even dark or tanned.

Laser Nd:Yag
Nd: Yag Laser at Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab is the second new generation at solid-state lasers stems,  while being one of the most effective ways to get velvety skin without any trace of hairs!
With a wavelength of 1064nm, it is suitable for all types of skin and hair, and can be applied to any part of the body. The laser beam is selectively absorbed by hair melanin and directed to the heat-evolving pockets that inactivate targeted structures and stop hair growth.
It is ideal for dark skin as well as for darkened during the summer. Also, according to research, it is more effective in hair removal hormone-dependent areas where hair persists because it acts directly in depth.

Binary Laser
Binary Laser is very well-established in US, while it is used in specialized aesthetic medicine applications. They act to produce a sophisticated 808nm light beam  factor that is absorbed by hair melanin, resulting in selective energy focusing on the hair follicle and destroying it without affecting the epidermis or the rest of the body. In addition, they are equipped with a specialised cooling mechanism for complete protection of the skin.

The application time is spectacularly short, because the head of the particular laser works by scanning the area to be treated. Also, the way this technology is designed allows it to respond well to all skin types (even in sun-tanned or dark-skinned Mediterranean skin), thin and thick hair as well as to all areas of the body such as the face, hands, armpits, back, legs, chest and bikini area.

Laser/ Bikini
If you are disappointed over the hair growth on your body appearing day by day, if you are bothered by ingrown hairs that create irritations in the sensitive area and prevent you from enjoying your vacations on the beach, then laser hair removal at Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab is exactly the solution you have been searching for towards relishing clean and soft skin around the bikini area. 

The Basics in Laser / Bikini
Depilation in the bikini area is not only a matter of beauty but also a matter of hygiene. If you always wish to always feel fresh and clean, then Laser Hair Removal at Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab is the answer. According to fashion trends and everybody's preferences, there are different types of laser hair removal in bikinis:
  • Classic bikini: Only the bikini sides are removed.
  • Brazilian bikini: The whole pubic area is wiped out besides a small part.
  • Full bikini: Bikini and pube are completely removed
  • Bikini Laser Following a Pattern: For the most creaive people who want to remove the hairs in the bikini besides an area that remains with a pattern of their choice.
How Effective Is Hair Removal Laser Αποτρίχωσης in the Bikini Area?
From the very first visit, visible hairs disappear completely from the skin, and the next will reappear after about two months. And all this comes quickly, easily and painlessly.
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