Cavitation Treatment
Cavitation method is applied at Dermatology & Cosmetics Lab and constitutes the most drastic, contemporaey, non-invasive method of lipostructure leading to topical weight loss and eradication of cellulitis. The innovative Cavitation treatment is based on the ultrasound action and is body sculpture without anesthesia, without any trouble. No abstinence is required from daily tasks and a harmless and alternative solution for liposuction is presented. The result is the immediate lipocytes removal.
Details on Cavitation
Cavitation treatment uses a special medical platform of cutting-edge technology creating ultrasounds that are capable of liquefying the trapped skin, which is then removed by the lymphatic system and gets gradually eliminated from the body. This phenomenon is known as cavitation and refers to irreversible destruction of adipocytes and fluidization of fat with the energy of special ultrasounds. The advantage of Cavitation is the ability to target and effectively disseminate energy in a way that is effective, safe, absolutely painless and impressive.

How Is Cavitation Treatment Performed?
Cavitation technology is an effective method of bloodless liposuction in cosmetic medicine and aims at those wishing to shape their silhouette and eliminate cellulitis. This method uses ultrasound at low frequency and liquefies the trapped fat, which is then removed through the lymphatic system (a natural phenomenon, known as cavitation). Through the action of ultrasound, Cavitation therapy generates small air bubbles in the adipocytes, which are pooled and broken, causing lipocyte lysis. Subsequently, the adipocyte content is passed through the lymphatic circulation. Treatment removes fat cells, tightens skin and eliminates cellulite.

What Does Cavitation Treatment Do? 
Cavitation treatment removes adipocytes, firms the skin and eliminates celluclitis. 

How Effective Is Cavitation Treatment?
Average fat loss from Cavitation treatment reaches 2-4 cm from first treatment, and this increases over the next 7 days. For best results, it is always recommended to follow proper diet and exercise.
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